Until “divorce” do us apart…

divorceAccording to Indic faiths, nothing in life is eternal; change is the only constant. So, no matter how much – ever – we try, all that we’ve made or gathered is bound to perish. Since life is bound to perish – eventually – our philosophies teaches us to live in our present; neither brooding about the past nor by worrying about the future. Present is the only truth for “wise”; which we thought we were. Yet, while there has been concept of marriage in Indic thought for ages – divorce, however, was never instituted, until recently. Was this incidental or accidental? One can only speculate.

Marriage is a wonderful concept in Indic view of life. It’s not a bonding between two couples for physical and psychological intimacy to produce offspring. It’s much beyond. All that marriage ceremonies, which are today done with much splendour and pomp, emphasise on unification of couples for not just this life but for many more lives to come. For Hindus death isn’t the end; but just the beginning. Life is a cycle. Just as the water from the ocean turns to clouds which then pours on land as sea and eventually reaches back to the sea; life is cycle of birth and death. That which is dead is bound to born and that is born is bound for death – until it achieves “Moksha” (liberation). Continue reading

PK: What’s wrong and how to make it right…

Two day’s back my dear friend Shashi was kind enough to give me two movies to watch. One was the “controversial” (what which I would call vindictive) “Bollywood” (read Hindi) movie called PK and another was “yet another” (read unusual) Hollywood drama-crime-thriller GONE GIRL. Both movies, apparently, had a social “message” to convey. Obviously, their method was using story telling about the ever gullible people and people who play with their gullibility. While I would give perfect 5 stars for Ben Affleck starrer GONE GIRL, I would prefer to even rate Amir Khan Starrer PK. Reason? Read on…

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The Bitcoin Dilemma

Since time immemorial currencies have continued to be business of political governments, across the world. And while the US has a history of private currencies before the creation of the Federal Reserve, the fact remains that in the modern world, too, governments control currencies. This online digital, or cryptocurrency, currency – BITCOIN – came out of virtually nowhere to become a global phenomenon before gaining significant momentum, in 2013. Yet the challenge for Bitcoin is far from over. CGRI’s Hon. Director U. Mahesh Prabhu finds out the dilemma facing this new age cryptocurrency.